Start your mornings with Abba!

We start at 5am, doors are locked by 5:15, and we end promptly at 6am!

topical prayer confessions

Often times when we are facing life and situations the words to pray may escape us. Below is a list of topical prayers to help us in those moments and help us build a foundation of prayer God’s word. The bible says faith comes by hearing the word of God. These prayers are meant to be said aloud so you can build your faith and overcome!

Prayer for today

Father God, I pray over every meeting, conversation and activity I engage in today. I pray that all my steps be ordered by you, that my heart and my mind always respond in obedience to your directions. I pray that I choose the way of righteousness when faced with many paths of judgment, that I will always fulfill your priorities and never allow my flesh to dictate my actions or attitudes. This day, I do all things to the glory of God and I am fruitful in every good work. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Father your word declares that Healing belongs to your children. It is the very inheritance of our salvation and our communion with you. I thank you that regardless of the doctor reports I will never be sick another day in my life. 1 Peter 2:24, Jeremiah 33:6 and Psalm 119:50 are the reality for me each and every day of my life. My body functions in the excellence that you have created it to function. My immune system has the ability to ward off, dematerialize, neutralize any bacterial or viral infections that try to inhabit my body. My blood pressure is that of 120/80. My pancreas produces the proper amount of insulin to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. My cholesterol is regulated in Jesus’ name. I decree and declare that the blood flows un restricted through my veins. I forbid any blood clots, pulmonary embolisms, or aneurisms. As I mature in age my ears and eyes continue to function at the same level as that of a young person. My vision in enhancing right now in the name of Jesus. 20/20 vision belongs to me! Heart you beat with the rhythm of life! You are a strong healthy and normal size heart. My gastral and urinary tact are free from blockages, infections, or hinderances. My bones and joints are strong and healthy. I forbid any breaks, bruises, or fractures in the mighty name of Jesus. Migraine, tension, and cluster headaches I command you to cease your operation right now in the name of Jesus. Cancer, AIDS/HIV, Hepatitis and any other blood pathogen diseases I curse you at the root and declare and decree that you will never invade my temple. Growths cyst, benign tumors, and cancerous tumors we curse you at the root. Dry up and dissolve. I declare the the blood supply that is sustaining your existence in my body be cut off right now in the name of Jesus! My body is a temple where the Holy Spirit abides, therefore sickness and disease can not infiltrate my body. Body you line up right now in the precious name of Jesus. I remind you body that you were bought with an eternal prices of Jesus’ blood! Therefore the healing virtue of Jesus flows from the crown of my head to the very soles of my feet. My body is living proof that above all else you desire that I prosper and being in health even as my soul prospers. I am healed and I will never be sick another day in my life! (Pray in the Spirit)


Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the protection that the Blood of Jesus gives me. I plead the Blood of Jesus over my immediate and extended family, over my church family, and over all my properties and possessions. The Blood of Jesus covers us in our going out and our coming in.

We dwell in the secret place of the Most-High God and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Because the Lord has given His angels charge over us, I declare that no evil comes near us, and neither does any plague come near our dwelling.

I stand on and claim Psalms 91 and Psalms 34 for our protection. A thousand will fall at our side, and 10,000 at our right hand but it shall not come near us. I declare that we walk in Divine protection.

Angels, I command you to hearken to the voice of God’s Word and continually protect us from all injuries, accidents, plagues, sickness, disease, and premature death.

Father, Your Word declares that You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Therefore, I take authority over fear, and I rebuke it and boldly declare that I have no fear in Jesus' Name.

God is for us so who can be against us. The Lord is on our side, so we will not fear, worry, or doubt. Greater is He who is in us, than He who is in the world. Thanks be to God, who always gives us the victory. We are more than conquerors in You. Thank You for always causing us to win. We claim the victory in every area of our lives, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Godly living

Lord I thank you that as I choose the sober decision every day to follow you, you are continuing to perfect all things that concern me. I thank you that as I continue to study your word and commune with you my desires for ungodly things and companionship diminish. I thank you Lord that my circle of friends are like minded individuals who motivate me in the very things you have called me to do. I thank you that my outlook on life is being renewed, and that my mind is ever being transformed by your word. Lord you said that those that are in Christ are a new creature. I thank you that I am new creature and that old things and desires are passed away. God as I become inundated with your purpose for my life, new God centered, desires, friends, and hobbies are being birthed in me like never before. Father, I thank you for allowing me to have constant undeniable experiences with you that help strengthen my ability to stand during this transition of my life. Father train my mouth to speak in faith concerning the promises of your word. I forbid speech of doubt lack of faith and unbelief. My tongue is that of a ready writer declaring and decreeing the newness of me and my life in your. Father teach me to be loving towards your children even in difficult times. Father, I know there will be resistance when my inner circle of friends and family see the change in me. Father I thank your for giving me the strength to not be offended and stillw alk in love with those who don’t understand the place you are taking me to. I thank you that I no longer live under the bondage of satan’s plan for my life. but now I live as a servant of the Lord walking in all humility, gentleness, and patience bearing one another in love, a man that is worthy of the call you have called me to! Father as people and things of my former life began to leave I know that i am never alone or empty for you will never leave nor forsake me.

I love the new men! I love my new hobbies! I love my new found friendships and relationships. Thank you for saving my life. I live a life hat is edifying and pleasing to you in everything that I do!


In the name of Jesus, I declare by faith that I walk in divine favor. I have preferential treatment, supernatural increase, supernatural restoration, increased assets, great victories, recognition and prominence, and policies and rules are changed in my favor.

I command favor to show up now and in my future. Handfuls of favor are being dropped for me right now! Every endeavor, every meeting, every connection, every opportunity of this month is already blessed. Doors are now open for me that men say are impossible to open. I walk in the unprecedented favor of God. No obstacle can stop me. No statistic can hold me back. I am the object of God’s affection. I increase in influence and favor with God and with men.

I am fully resourced to fulfill everything that God has called me to do.

Walk in love

Father, we thank You that the love of God is shed abroad and poured forth into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Your love is perfected and completed in us. We are rooted and grounded in love. Nothing is able to separate us from Your love.

We commit ourselves to walk in the God kind of love. We endure long. We are patient and kind. We are never envious, divisive, or jealous. We are not self-seeking, touchy, fretful, resentful or rude. We pray for those who are cruel in their attitude toward us. We are without offense and strife. We are without prejudice and division. We are filled with the fruits of righteousness.

People are being blessed by our lives because everywhere we go we are committed to plant seeds of love. We confess that by this all men will know that we are Your disciples, because we have love one for another.

Now Holy Spirit, help us to pray God’s perfect will concerning our love walk.

OUR YOUTH: Children, Teenagers, and Young Adults

Father, In the Name of Jesus, we lift up our youth before You today – our children, our teenagers, and our young adults. We declare that are taught of the Lord, and great is their peace. Our youth are whole – spirit, soul, and body. They have healthy self-esteem and know who they are in Christ. They are leaders and never give in to peer pressure. They walk holy and upright before God and man and are examples of Christ in word and deed. They have a consistent daily quiet time, and they grow up into spiritual, personal, and emotional maturity. They are not rebellious but show respect for authority at all times.

They have quality relationships with their parents and guardians and with the spiritual authority that You have placed in their lives. They have good Christian fellowship with other believers. Father, You sent your Word and healed them and delivered them from all destruction. They are redeemed from poverty, sickness, failure, and spiritual death. They’re redeemed from accidents, terrorism, criminal acts, violence, street gangs, and any type of molestation.

They are set apart and sanctified unto You. They are not conformed to this world, but they are transformed by the renewing of their minds through the Word of God. They overcome the world, their flesh, and the devil! They have no desire for worldly music, premarital sex, adultery, pornography, or any form of perversion. They manage the thoughts of their minds, and keep their bodies under control and sexually pure. They have no desire for illicit drugs, smoking or alcohol. They resist the devil, and the devil flees from them!

They walk out the principles of the Word of God and choose to live for You all the days of their lives. All of our youth are excellent students. They are the heads of their class and not the tail. They prepare with diligence and use their faith to do well on their school work, tests, and projects. They have favor with their teachers, faculty, and staff. Scholarships, honors and awards are bestowed upon them. We declare that our youth fulfill the call, purposes and plans that you have for their lives, bringing glory and honor to Your Name. You have first place in their lives!

We declare they are all tithers and give offerings. There is no lack in lives. Nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing lacking in the lives of our young people. The angels of the Lord are encamped all around them! The blood of Jesus covers them, and no weapon formed against them shall prosper. With long life You satisfy them and show them Your salvation!

Now Holy Spirit, help us to pray fervently and effectually God’s perfect will for our children, teenagers, and young adults!


Father, in the Name of Jesus, we confess today that the Word of God goes forth boldly and accurately during our Children’s Ministry, Student Ministries, and Adult services. We thank You that our Pastors and teachers are anointed, sensitive to the Spirit, and rightly divide the Word of Truth.

We confess that every Vision Partner is anointed and strengthened by Your power. They operate in love and do the work of the ministry by faith. Thank You, Father, for rewarding them for their service in the Kingdom of God. We confess that as we hear Your Word it will fall on good ground and produce a harvest in our lives. Eyes and ears are opened to see and hear the truth of Your Word.

We believe that every need of every person is met - spiritually, physically, mentally, socially and financially. There will be no distractions or hindrances. No weapon formed against our services shall prosper. Thank You, Father that the Spirit of the Lord is in operation in all of our services today.

Holy Spirit, we trust You now to help us to pray God’s perfect will for our services in Jesus’ name.

church growth confession

Father God, we thank you for being the Good Shepherd of Spring Church, we declare that we are 500 partners strong in this house of prayer. We are your inheritance, purchased and covered by the blood of Jesus. We are fulfilling your commission to win the lost, make disciples and establish your Kingdom in all the earth.

Father, by your Spirit we call the lost from the north, south, east and west into this church and every service is filled and overflowing. We decree that signs, wonders, and miracles confirm your Word preached, leading multitudes to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Draw the lost and send angels as reapers to fill God’s house. We receive a fresh rhema Word from heaven in every service to feed your sheep, and we decree that they shall not wander.

We pray that you will restore the hearts of individuals who are backslidden, offended, scattered or are turned away. We call them back into the Kingdom, back into the house, and back into position, transformed and renewed, and no man shall pluck them out of your hand.

Heavenly Father, unite our hearts to care for your flock. We decree that of all you have given us we have lost none. We reap the harvest and call in laborers for the perfecting of the saints and to edify the Body in love. In your Name, we keep and watch over the souls that are won. We bind up the broken; we love one another, and mature them to perfection in Christ.

We honor the Prophet of this house. We thank you Lord for Apostolic leadership, prophetic utterance, expansive evangelistic outreach, effective teaching and pastoral covering & care. We release the anointing and grace to win the lost and nurture your flock. In Jesus’ Name, amen.


Father, these feelings that I feel right now are temporary! You God are eternal! Father I come laying down the burdens that I have tried to carry with my own human abilities. I need you Lord. Tour word declares that when the righteous cry for help you hear and deliver them. Your word declares that you stand close to the brokenhearted and saved those with a crushed spirit. I decree and declare that feelings of sadness, oppression, anxiety, worry, fear, insecurities, helplessness and reckless behavior must exit my life right now in the name of Jesus. I speak to every traumatic experience of my past and declare that I will no longer be subject to the torment in my mind any longer. Father your word declares that who the Son sets free is free in deed. I am free and refuse to return to operate from oppressions or depression ever again. I have joy, peace, confidence and I am abounding in the rewards of my salvation. I will not lean unto my own understanding any longer! I cast every care over to you at this very moment and I chose to take on your yolk for it is easy and light. Your word declares that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by You. God you love me with an unfailing love. As I seek help in the natural I will also spend time praying and declaring that I no longer struggle with depression that I have victory in my mind. I am not alone for you are with me always. In spite of what it appears to be, you love me right here right now even in this temporary broken state. You have a future and a hope for me. You are turning my mourning into dancing! Morning is right now and my joy is here NOW! This weight is being lifted and the King of Glory shall enter into my life like never before. I speak liberation to the bound areas of my mind. I operate from my God-given authority if power, love and a sound mind. A sound mind belongs to me in Jesus name! I curse these temporary feelings at the root. I will wait on you Lord and you will renew my strength like the wings of an eagle and I will mount up, run and not be weary, walk and not faint. You are the lifter of my head! Countenance be lifted! I declare and decree that the present sufferings are not worth to be compared to the glory that God is revealing in my life. This very hard place is working together for my good. I can and I will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony. Depression you are in my past! You are a defeated foe! I am surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses and I lay every weight that is trying to cling to me at your feet. I ring with endurance and I will finish this race of purpose for my life.

prayer for creative ideas

Lord you are the Creator of all that exists. I come to you Elohim thanking you that I am creating in your image and in your likeness. Stir me in my inner man that I may begin to tap into the gifts, talents, and abilities that you have placed in me before the foundations of the world.

I declare that you daily download me with creative ideas and witty inventions. I open my heart and mind to receive inventions, innovations, cutting edge business concepts, new products, and services this world has never known. I decree that you are giving me systems that will bring forth solutions on another level.

I bind mind control, divination, and all forms of witchcraft. I cut off fear, deception, and every plan of the enemy that comes to block, delay, sabotage, steal kill and destroy. I release the mind of Christ, the Blood of Jesus, favor, the anointing & angels to divinely assist and protect every idea that comes from heaven.

Thank you Lord for your grace, mercy, and wisdom to walk out every idea by faith. I decree patents, corporations, partnerships and resources are released to bring forth the manifestation and advancement of each business idea and invention that you give me. I decree multiple streams of income as a result of this creativity and that you are glorified in Jesus name, Amen

Prayer for executing justice

O Lord our God, the Most High God, maker of heaven and earth; our Creator, our Provider and our Protector; You are the just Judge of all the earth, sitting on Your Throne of justice and judgement in the High Court of Heaven.

You, Lord, execute righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed. You are the Lord of the Sabaoth, Ruler of all, the God of angelic armies that fight against our enemies, and Avenger of our adversaries. Beside You there is no Savior salvation is only of the Lord.

Because of your great love towards all mankind, and Your love for justice and judgment, You said You forsake not the saints but come to our aid on earth to uphold justice upon which Your throne in heaven and your kingdom and earth rests.

Bring your righteous judgment upon our adversary. Stretch for Thy hand and execute vengeance and recompense against all he is doing and for what he has put us through. Every suffering, humiliation, shame, embarrassment, loss, entrapment, sickness, and attack cease your operation NOW! We seek you lord to execute judgement written, delivering us out of every affliction.

Restore to us everything he has stolen from us and our ancestors; everything delayed, bring it forth, now in this season. I command the release of inventions, opportunities, discoveries, businesses, industries, creative ideas, relationships, contracts, awards, inheritance, and increase that have been fraudulently held up, misdirected, sabotaged, blocked, stolen or destroyed.

Execute Your vengeance against the enemy speedily, and bring to us the full recompense that is due to us as redeemed heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ that we may advance your kingdom among men and nations. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for ADHD/FOCUS

Father, I thank you that my brain is healed, well, and functioning in the excellency it was created to. I thank you Lord God that according to 1 Peter 2:24 by the stripes on your back I was healed of ADHD over 2000 years ago. Blood Flow increase to every area of my brain now in Jesus' name! I declare and decree that my Prefrontal Cortex and Frontal Cortex properly maintain all my executive function needs. I can plan, organize and maintain my attention because I have a yielded Prefrontal and Frontal Cortex that is under the blood of Jesus. Jesus, I thank you that my Limbic system does not override or cancel any other brain areas or functions. My emotions and decisions are not submitted to impulsiveness! I thank you Lord God that according to Philippians 2:5 I have the mind of Christ 

operating in me. I prophesy to my Basal Ganglia and my Reticular Activating system and decree that you function the way God intended you to function. You will process, filter, and transmit information to other areas of my brain properly and unhindered or restricted. I thank you that the chemicals of Dopamine and Norepinephrine are regulated now in Jesus' name. Father, I thank you that I am no longer succumbing to anger, anxiety, or overstimulation because your word promises me in Philippians 4:7 that the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus! ADHD you have no longer have power over me and you must bow at the name of Jesus! I am healed in Jesus' name!

Research for Prayer context:

  • Prefrontal Context and Frontal Cortex: executive functioning, organizing, planning, and maintaining attention.

  • Limbic System: Emotional control, impulse control

  • Basal Ganglia: information flows to and from other brain areas unhindered and quickly process information correctly

  • Reticular activating system filters information organizing what is important and not

  • ADHD have restricted blood flow to brains

  • Dopamine and Norepinephrine need regulation

Prayer changes everything.

At Spring Church, we believe prayer makes a difference. How can we pray for you this week? Let us know using the form below.

NOTE: Any prayer request you share with Spring Church will remain confidential and will only be shared with our lead team for the purposes of prayer.