Give Today
Want a brand new TV?
Spring is raffling off a 55 inch TV at our celebration service, tickets are only $20. You do not have to be present to claim prize, but it is encouraged. If you are not present and win our staff will notify you after the drawing to arrange a pick up time.
(Prize can not be exchanged for cash or goods).
How to Give
Your seeds help us continue to share the love and kindness of Jesus through out the city of Wilmington! Thank you for helpings us serve over a million pounds of fresh food to our communities.
Credit/Debit Card, Electronic Check or Text to Give (Use buttons below)
Our pastors have committed to not receiving a salary for the first few years of ministry to ensure that outreach is our top priority!
If you would like to sow into our pastor you may personally give to them via cashapp!
For Pastor Terrance: $TerranceFarrare and for Pastor Meagan: $MeaganFarrare